Monday, 26 November 2007

Avoiding problems

5 things I can do to help the group to avoid problems when shooting
  1. Continuity problems
    I will try to ensure that we avoid continuity problems, perhaps by taking still shots of actors/the location to make sure that these things look the same from week to week.
  2. Forgetting equipment
    I'll try to sort out all my stuff for the shoot the night before, and then double check everything a couple of times before leaving the house on the day of the shoots.
  3. Being efficient when shooting
    I'll try to make sure that the group stay focused when shooting, to make sure that we're as efficient as possible. This will be particularly important for our real shoots.
  4. Compromising
    If the group have different ideas about something, I'll try to compromise in order to make sure that everyone gets a say in what happens.
  5. Being honest and open with the group
    If I don't think something will work, I will be honest about it and then as a group we'll probably have to have some sort of discussion to try and sort out the issue.

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